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Chakra exports four components Fade, ScaleFade, Slide, and SlideFade to provide simple transitions.


Most transition components are made using framer-motion. They accept the following props:

  • Common props from framer's motion elements
  • in prop used to trigger the transition
  • unmountOnExit prop used to unmount the component when it's not visible.


Fade transition#

Editable Example

ScaleFade transition#

Editable Example

Slide transition#

Sit nulla est ex deserunt exercitation anim occaecat. Nostrud ullamco deserunt aute id consequat veniam incididunt duis in sint irure nisi. Mollit officia cillum Lorem ullamco minim nostrud elit officia tempor esse quis.

Sunt ad dolore quis aute consequat. Magna exercitation reprehenderit magna aute tempor cupidatat consequat elit dolor adipisicing. Mollit dolor eiusmod sunt ex incididunt cillum quis. Velit duis sit officia eiusmod Lorem aliqua enim laboris do dolor eiusmod. Et mollit incididunt nisi consectetur esse laborum eiusmod pariatur proident Lorem eiusmod et. Culpa deserunt nostrud ad veniam.

Editable Example

Slide Fade transition#

Sit nulla est ex deserunt exercitation anim occaecat. Nostrud ullamco deserunt aute id consequat veniam incididunt duis in sint irure nisi. Mollit officia cillum Lorem ullamco minim nostrud elit officia tempor esse quis.

Editable Example

Collapse transition#

The Collapse component is used to create regions of content that can expand/collapse with a simple animation. It helps to hide content that's not immediately relevant to the user.

Editable Example

Changing the startingHeight#

Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident.
Editable Example


The transition components extends the framer-motion.

Fade Props#

inbooleanfalseShow the component; triggers the enter or exit states

ScaleFade Props#

inbooleanfalseShow the component; triggers the enter or exit states
initialScalenumber0.9The initial scale to animate from

Slide Props#

inbooleanfalseShow the component; triggers the enter or exit states
placementstring'bottom'The direction to slide drawer from

SlideFade Props#

inbooleanfalseShow the component; triggers the enter or exit states
offsetXstring'20px'The initial offset to slide from
offsetYstring'20px'The initial offset to slide from

Collapse Props#


This component doesn't have any custom props.

isOpenbooleanIf true, the content will be visible
animateOpacitybooleanIf true, the opacity of the content will be animated
startingHeightnumberThe height you want the content in it's collapsed state. Set to 0 by default
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